Stall booking

Thank you for submitting your booking form!

Please now complete steps 2 and 3 as outlined below. A copy of these instructions will also be emailed.

We will then contact you to confirm your booking.


Please make your payment for the amount through bank transfer / bacs using the following details:

Payment toThe Croxley Green Society
Sort code60-00-08  
Account number01073222
Payment referenceName of your organisation


If you did not submit your insurance certificate along with the form, please email a copy to

All stall holders and participants must ensure that there is, in force, adequate public liability insurance (at least £5 million) in respect of their own members, employees and/or members of the public.

Public Liability certificates must be valid for the date of the Revels. Please do not send us out of date certificates or insurance covering less than £5 million and it must be Public Liability cover and not Employers’ Liability.