Stallholder info

Pitch numbers and size

  • Stall pitch numbers will be listed on the website the day before the event.
  • The space denoted during the booking process is the width of the pitch.
  • Depth is approx. 6 metres.
  • All activities must be confined within the booked space.
  • We will provide the space and each applicant will be responsible for providing their own equipment i.e. gazebo, table, chairs etc.

Setup and finish

  • Stall holders may begin setting up their stalls from 9:30am.
  • For safety reasons, all vehicles used for servicing the stalls must be cleared from the site before 11:30am and may not return until the Revels are declared closed (approx 5:30 pm when the pushball competition is finished).
  • Individual PA systems are not permitted.
  • No alcoholic drinks are allowed to be sold.
  • Alcoholic prizes are discouraged and we would urge the participants to provide a mix of attractions with prizes to suit a wider range of ages. In any event, alcoholic prizes must not be given to under-age winners.
  • We reserve the right to refuse entry to any unauthorised stall or attraction.
  • The stall holders will be expected to clear their own stalls and to take away all remnants of their activities including litter around their stall at the close of the Revels.



  • Please make your payment for the amount through bank transfer / bacs using the following details. The amount due is included in your original booking email.
  • If for any reason the event does not go ahead, payments will be refunded.
  • Payments for stalls are non-refundable in the event of cancellation.
Payment toThe Croxley Green Society
Sort code60-00-08  
Account number01073222
Payment referenceName of your organisation

Contact us

Any queries concerning stalls should be directed to the Revels Booking Manager,

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