
“The Revels is the embodiment of the community of Croxley Green and is one of the prime factors that give the village its unique identity. Croxley Green is the largest community within the Three Rivers District yet still retains its strong identity and sense of being a village. The Revels may be only a one afternoon in the year event but it involves months of anticipation, preparation, practice, or training for many sectors of the community and can be viewed as a culmination, a focus, for all that is good about the village”.

The Croxley Revels is a traditional summer village fayre held annually on the afternoon of the Saturday closest to summer solstice. The first “modern day Revels” was held in 1920. The Croxley Green Society was inaugurated in 1938 and was formed for the celebration of King George VI’s Jubilee.

The Revels site incorporates virtually the entirety of The Green and is set up during the early morning by a large group of enthusiastic local residents. The organisation of this event is led by a group of local residents informally known as the Revels Committee.

There is a small proportion of commercial stalls otherwise the organisation and set up is entirely voluntary and dependent on the goodwill of local residents and businesses. The Revels team ensures that, by 8pm, there is no evidence that anything so grand has taken place save for a couple of skips that bulge with refuse!

There are between 65 and 90 stalls (annual variations), an arena that stages all manner of entertainment and activities from judo exhibitions to Morris dancers; the school’s Pushball tournament to Maypole dancing. The Revels Princess is paraded in the grand procession around the village. Periphery interests include children’s funfair; story telling, roving jazz band; classic vehicles and bicycles. All the fun of the fair! As people roam the Revels site they are exposed to stalls and entertainments run by most of the local clubs, societies and local charities.

The organising committee strives to strike a balance in providing a good mixture of traditional and modern entertainment, reflecting the heritage of the village as well as what is currently happening in and around the community. Our aim is to appeal to all age groups and to promote family participation in the Revels and, as a consequence, in the community as a whole.

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